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UN Ham Radio News from UN6QC


News, expeditions and activation regions of Kazakhstan
UN , UO, UP, UQ - Kazakhstan (ITU Zone 29-31 CQ Zone 17) [lat 53 long 76}{start 1/1/94}
UN...A-Z - ordinary license
UP...A-Z - special license
UO...A-Z, UQ....A-Z - reserved
one-letter suffixes "extra” license category
two-letter suffixes 1st license category
three-letter suffixes 2,3,4 (novices) license category
suffixes XA-XZ emergency service
Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
A Mangistau region
B Akmolinsk region
C Petropavlovsk region
D Semipalatinsk region
E Kokchetav (Kokshetau) region
F Pavlodar region
G Alma-Ata (Almaty) city
I Aktyubinsk region
J East-Kazakhstan region, Ust' Kamenogorsk
K Kzyl-Orda region
L Kustanay region
M Uralsk region
N Chimkent (Shymkent) region
O Atyrau region
P Karaganda region
Q Alma-Ata (Alamaty) region
R Dzhezkazgan (Zhezkazgan) region
S Leninsk (Baikonur)
T Dzhambul (Zhambyl) region
V Taldy-Kurgan (Taldykorgan) region
Y Turgayskaya oblast, Arkalyk

Preparations prior to the expedition "Baikal 2012". Soon more information.

YEAR 2011

Radio Activity Days for celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Independence Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosports and Radioamateur (KFRR) invites amateur radio operators from all over the world to participate in «The Kazakhstan Activity Days» celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Republic of Kazakhstan Independence and for the purpose of achieving rules of the award «The 20th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Independence». Activity Days last till December 31st, 2011 and start at 18:00 UTC on November, 30th, 2011. Two-way contacts are submitted on all amateur bands and all modes. During that period it is possible to achieve rules of the award «The 20th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Independence».
KFRR HF committee October 11th, 2011

Rules of the anniversary award «The 20th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Independence» Kazakhstan Federation of Radio sports and amateur radio (KFRR) establishes the anniversary award «The 20th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Independence».
Award official rules:
1. Award will be issued to amateur stations and SWLs of the world.
2. Two-way contacts (SWL) made after 18:00 UTC on November, 30th, 2011 till December, 31st, 2011 are acceptable.
3. Only contacts on the following amateur bands are acceptable: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28, 144, 430 MHz.
4. SSB, CW and digi contacts are ellgible.
5. For achieving award not less than 20 points are necessary.
6. Each anniversary station UP20 counts two points.
7. Any other UN contact count one point.
8. For each QSO on 144 and 430 MHz one point should be added.
9. Points double for contacts made on December 16 – Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
10. Different bands and different modes are counted for new QSOs.
11. At least one contact with UP20 is mandatory.
12. Rules for SWL points count are the same.
13. (…for kazakhstan stations only)
14. No special endorsements are expected within the award rules. It is only of the applicant with to mark the achievement on the diploma face (e.g., band or mode).
15. Three highest score applicants will be awarded with special prizes.
16. Any format (txt, doc, xls, dbf, etc.) computer file log-book should be sent to the diploma committee by e-mail.
17. E-mail address for diploma applications : UP20-award@MAIL.KZ Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
18. Dead time for application sending: for award - Deсember 31th, 2012 and for prizes - March 1st, 2012.
19. The diploma application should comprise the following information: date, time, band, mode, call sign, signal report, number of points for each contact, both call signs (for SWL), and also all the personal data of the applicant (a surname, a name, postal address) and total points number.
20. A fee of 4 euros (or its equivalent in IRC or USD) is requied.
21. Payments must be sent to post address: 73, Petropavlovsk, 150007, Kazakhstan. Payments also probably to make by webmoney on E535228274064, Z326416008820, R118826967718.
22. Any payments can be made only after application check and acknowledge via e-mail.
23. The list of special anniversary call signs will be published later on (p.s. see next page)
24. For information: Astana time zone = UTC + 6 hours.
25. The sample of the award will be published later on
KFRR Award committee October 11th, 2011
5th Anniversary of the European PSK Club

The list of the announced EPC Club & Special Event Stations from Kazakhstan which will be operating in honour

of the 5th Anniversary of the European PSK Club from 1st to 30th June, 2011 : 

UQ0EPC - Club station UN0GL
UQ2EPC - op. UN8GZ
UQ3EPC - op. UN2G
UQ4EPC - op. UN7QN

    UQ5EPC – op. UN8GC
UQ6EPC - op. UN6QC

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UP50ASTR (UNAO of #004)

Since May 12 begins work station UP50ASTR ( UNAO #004 ), operator Mikhail UN6GK.

UNAO-004 Astrophysical institute of a name of V.G. Fessenkov 43,11,15N/76.57.30E G AS

QSO’s for: WAO Award and "The Columbus of the Cosmos”  Award.

QSL VIA EA7FTR. Information on


7th Asian Winter Games

Members of the Almaty Amateur Radio League (ARL) is organizing the activation of special event stations that include UN2011G and 8 stations with UP2011 prefix (see list below) and one station UP2011AWG from Astana (capital city) during the

7th Asian Winter Games between January 29th (18.00 UTC) and February 6th (18.00 UTC).

The suffix of UP2011 stations will imply the abbreviation of the 8 winter types of sports to be featured during the Games in Almaty and Astana.
Look for the following stations to be active on all HF bands including 30/17/12m using CW, SSB and the Digital modes:

  • UN2011G (Game) - ARL club station (regular callsign UN0GL)
  • UP2011AWG (Asian Winter Games) – contest team UP7Z from Astana,
  • UP2011AS  (alpine skiing) - regular callsign UN8GU, op. Andy
  • UP2011BN (biathlon) - regular callsign UN7QCC, op. Victor
  • UP2011CS  (cross-country skiing) - regular callsign UN6GAE, op. Alexander
  • UP2011FG (freestyle skiing) - regular callsign UN8GZ, op. Vitaliy
  • UP2011HB (Russian hockey, bandy) - regular callsign UN6GT, op. Valeriy
  • UP2011IH (ice hockey) - regular callsign UN2G, op. Evgeniy
  • UP2011SJ (ski jumping) - regular callsign UN6QC, op. Arthur
  • UP2011SO (ski orienteering) - regular callsign UN8GC, op. Michael

QSL via regular callsigns (direct or by the Bureau).

A special awards ("7th Asian Winter Games 2011" and "Almaty2011”) is available for those hams who manage to make QSOs with these special stations.

For more information, see: (ENG).
